Sverdlovsk - Lugansk region

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Sverdlovsk -Lugansk region

The first settlements of the district are dated from the eighteenth-early nineteenth centuries. In 1793 queen Catherine II granted diploma to the Don Cossacks. According to the diploma, they governed the territory of the district. The Don lieutenant colonels and generals were given the ownership of land on the bank of the Rivers Dolzhyk, Kundryuchia, Provallia, Naholna and Kryepkaia.

Formation of a great number of the villages in the district refers to this period. They were the slobodas (settlements exempted from normal state obligations) of Daryevka(1773), Rovenetska (1793), Astakhova (1794), Provallia (1797), Medvezhanka (1800), the settlements or Karpovo-Krepenskyi (1805) and Daryina-Yermakovka (1805).

In 1874 Dolzhanskyi village appeared. It was situated in 5 versts, Dolzhykovo-Orlovskyi Village andgave its name to the railway station of the railroad, from connected Debaltsevo and Zvyeryevo junctions. The railroad was constructed by Mamontov's concession in 1876-78. It helped the local anthracite put on the world market.

In 1870 the first primitive mines were opened.

In 1872 the metallurgists of Sulin were the first to found iron from the anthracite, which was produced in Dolzhanska district.

In 1878 a rich daughter of the state councilor S.R.Gorlov opened a mine on the River Dolzhyk. In 1888 Gavello and Filippenko also opened the pits northward of the riverhead as well as the merchant S.Ya. Romanikhin in 1889.

The so-called "peasants not having passports" who looked for a job were exploited in the mines. They worked there for 12-15 hours. This was mostly hand getting.

In the early twentieth century the foreign manufacturers Transhe and Fundopolo opened a mine between Dolzhanka and Sharapkino. In 1908-1911 V. A. Otto started a large mine which consisted of 3 pits with the annual output of 66.000 tonnes. After the October Revolution the mine was called "Mine Ns1-2 named after Voikov".

In 1901 princess Z.N.Yusupova, who owned 2 estates near Rovyenki purchased a small pit nearby Sharapkino. She started two largest mines of that time at the outskirts of Snarapkino in 1902. In the Soviet period they were called "Mine N°14-17 named after Sverdlov". In 1912 nearly 11 million puds of anthracite were produced in these collieries.

In 1909 the grain-merchant and millionaire M.S. Valyano purchased 4 pits and established the English Joint-Stock Company with 1.9-million ruble capital. In 1912 the output amounted to 15 million puds of coal.

The October Revolution met response among workers and peasants of Sharapkino and Dolzhanka.

In December 1917-January 1918 almost all villages became under the Soviet rule.

The German troops occupied Dol-zhanka at the end of April 1918. Coal, grain and cattle were transported to Sermany. After the Germans' retreat the district was occupied by the troops of general P. Krasnov and later by the troops of general A. Denikin.

The 8th Army of the Southern Front participated in the battles under the command of generals Shkuro and Mamontov when Denikin's army was defeated. The enemy made great efforts to halt the advance of the Red Army to Kostov and Novocherkask. Despite the fact that the crack regular troops were dislocated in this area, Denikin's army was defeated.

On January 3 1920 the Red Army units of the 15th Inzen division liberated Sharapkino and Dolzhanka. The Soviet regime was resumed on the territory of the district.

After the Great Patriotic War the inhabitants of the district were engaged in the reconstruction of its economy. The slogan "Everyone at the Donbas's re-construction" became one of the most important one not only in the area but also for the whole country.

In November 1920 the Dolzhanka Mine Conference was held on the questions of the mine reconstruction and association. All 11 pits were united in the Dolzhanka Mine Board and were headed by P. Shapovalov.

In 1934 the board was transformed into the Sverdlowuhillia Trust. In this period Stakhanov's movement spread throughout the country. In 1935 A.V. Kravchenko, a miner of trie pit named after Voikov, produced 95.000 tones of coal.

With the economic reconstruction a number of educational, cultural, educative and medical institutions were built. In 1923 the district had 3 schools, 3 hospitals, 3 workers' clubs and 9 reading halls in the district. It 1940 there were 40 schools, 5 hospitals, 26 clubs and 25 libraries in the district.

On June 3 1938 the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council passed the decree "On the division of Donetsk region of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic into Stalin and Voroshylovgrad regions". The document first mentioned Sverdlovsk district as a part of Voroshylovgrad region. The district consisted of the village Soviets of Alexandrovsk, Astakhovsk, Biryukovsk, Medvezhansk, Prevalsk and settlement Soviets of Lenin-skyi, Volodarovskyi and Pavlovskyi formerly consisting Rovenetsk district. The district was named after Sverdlov. It was called Sverdlovsk district.

On June 22 1941 Germany attacked the USSR. 10.000 citizens of Sverdlovsk joined the army to defend their motherland. The same number of people was engaged in the construction of defensive works. More than 6.000 of citizens joined the militia.

At the end of summer 1941 the German army reached the Donbas (coal mining area). The whole population of the land took part in the defence of the region.

The 395th miners' division was formed. A.Malyavko, A.Cherepovskyi, M.Peshkov, K.Kharitonov, M.Bryksin, F.Yarygin. I.Samoilov, T.Kotovych and the rest of citizens of Sverdlovsk joined the division.

The German army occupied Sverdlovsk district on July 22 1942. The fascists immediately introduced a new

regime. This was the period of violence and repressions to the civilians. The young people were brought to Germany by force.

After defeat of the German army at the Battle of Stalingrad the liberation of the Donbas started. The 203rd Zaporizko-Khinhaiska rifle division liberated Sverdlovsk. During the Great Patriotic War 10 citizens of Sverdlovsk were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them were I. Paryhin, I. Shevchen-ko, B.Zolotukhin, H.Syerykh, K.Kamynin, V.Trushyn, F. Parashchenko and N. Horyushkin awarded twice.

The Glory Alley was laid out to commemorate the Great Patriotic War heroes.

In the post-war period the first five-year plan was carried out 4,5 months earlier. 216 citizens of Sverdlovsk were awarded for distinguished service in reconstruction and building of mines, introduction of advanced methods of production in 1945-1950.

A.M.Zherebtsov, a shaft man in mine N°14-17 named after Sverdlov, H.F. Denisov, a superintendent in mine N°3, and the head of the Sverdlovvuhillia Trust P.P. Shpanko were Heroes of Socialistic Labour.

In November-December 1956 almost 1.5000 of young people arrived in the town from all regions of Ukraine. During 1957 Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Moldavian, Khmelnytsk, Odesa-1, Odesa-2 and Voroshylovgrad mines were put into operation.

In 1974 the Sverdlovantracite Trust was transformed into Sverdlovantracite Association. This period also marked the reconstruction of the central part of Sverdlovsk.

The town boomed during the 70s-80s. The blocks named after the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution and sixtieth anniversary of the USSR with new schools and shops, buildings of the town hospital were built. The sports complex named after N.I. Horyushkin, Hero of the Soviet Union, the town park of culture and recreation and the Sverdlov Palace of Culture were reconstructed.

Contemporary Sverdlovsk is a multi-branch, economic and social complex specialized in coal mining (64.4 percent of aggregate industrial output), engineering, food processing, light industry, metal manufacture and agriculture.

The leading enterprises of Sverdlovsk are the Dolzhanska-Kapitalna and the Red Partisan. Coal mining has encouraged people to increase its production. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Murzenko, Hero of Socialistic Labour and Hero of Ukraine, is one of the best representatives of the town's workers.

Sverdlovsk has 40 schools and 5 branches of higher educational institutions.

It offers a tremendous selection of facilities for recreation, cultural and physical development to its inhabitants. The town has 5 music schools for children, 22 libraries, 18 clubs, a palace of culture, the Regional Studies Museum, a youth leisure centre, the park of culture and recreation, a stadium the stand of which can contain 10.000 of people and a swimming pool.

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Sverdlovsk - Lugansk region

Разделы сайта: Банки в Луганске и Луганской области) Выкуп швейцарских часов) Курсы валют) Насос для топлива 12В) ) Погода в Луганске и в Луганской области) Карта Луганска и области) Спутниковые карты городов Луг. обл.) Cиликоновые коврики) Карты всех городов Луганской области) Холодна реконструкція волосся) Почтовые индексы) Телефонные коды) ТВ программа) Вейп Магазин) Гороскоп на сегодня и на неделю)

Города Луганской области: Все города! Алчевск) Антрацит) Брянка) Кировск) Красный Луч) Краснодон) Лисичанск) Луганск) Лутугино) Первомайск) Попасная) Ровеньки) Рубежное) Сватово) Свердловск) Северодонецк) Старобельск) Стаханов)

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